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How many times do you have the request from your customer to make a grand look on less than a grand budget? Unfortunately, most of our customers think we work with a wand, not a knife. Although we do make magic happen, it takes a bit more skill and design diversity to make a grand look on a tight budget.
One idea for achieving a larger look is to work in composite designs. These are floral compositions that can either stand alone, or are combined with other designs to strengthen the impact. This type of designing usually isolates one or two varieties of product to achieve visual strength. This technique of grouping of materials adds impact as the eye travels to only a few key or focal areas within the composition. By placing several of these together, they gain strength and impact due to their surrounding arrangements.
Take for instance a component such as lilies. They can be displayed in a cylinder vase with little additional materials. Maybe just a bit of foliage such as Lily Grass or Bear Grass swirled in the vase for additional interest. Pair that with another cylinder on Lilies that are cut short and are resting on the lip of the cylinder. So now you have a tall display and a short display to work together. Physically connect the two vases with a bundle of the same grass that you featured in the tall vase and you have a stronger presentation. By adding several of these types of vases, it becomes easy to decorate a larger space with strong impact using less product than you normally would in a traditional design styling. The difference is that you are emphasizing the negative space between the containers.
This is a great way to decorate an altar or ceremony site as well as reception tables. When selling the multiple vase concept, share the idea that the individual vases can be separated and reconfigured at the reception in other locations such as bars, powder rooms, place card table, etc. Using the ‘Take Away’ concept at the reception table allows for each couple to take a vase of flowers home as a remembrance of the evening’s festivities.
Another great way to give bang for the buck is to submerge the flowers under water in clear vases for a dramatic WOW effect! Using a mechanic such as decorative wire or curly willow, form a loose armature that will hold in place any blossoms that you will be featuring. Waxy flowers or fleshy textured flowers will perform better than those that are more papery or fuzzy in texture. Using a preservative that contains a water clarifier will help nourish the flowers as well as keep the water clear. The clear water magnifies the few blossoms to give a grand look on a more modest budget. For even a more ‘fun look’ mix in some sparkling water right before the event to see the bubbles rise!
Making Magic Happen is really quite easy when you pair your great design ideas with the extraordinary product from Florabundance. If you have the idea, they have the product to make it happen. Call your Account Manager today to make the magic happen!

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